THE FAMILY and why it's important to have heterosexual parents- January 15th, 2022
I know what you're thinking. "Why are you writing about something like this - we already know the answer and it's not an issue." Well... I think wrong. Before you run off all mad, let me state that my logic isn't fully supported by my beliefs as a being a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day saints but on actual data done by SCIENCE.
I first want to introduce to you a document based on a social science research called, "Same-sex parenting and children's outcomes: A closer examination of the American psychological association's (APA) brief on lesbian and gay parenting", by Loren Marks. This document was the winning key for a gay couple from the state of California that was displayed in front of the United States Supreme Court for the right for members of the LGBTQ+ to be legally and lawfully married in all states. The purpose of the document was to show a study to the court that there is evidence proving that gay couples do not have an effect on children, as this was one of the concerns shared by the Supreme Court. After studying this document, I can say that their is huge lack of evidence that does not prove the fact that gay parents are just as good as heterosexual parents, this document doesn't show any evidence on how children are effected, shows data mostly based on single-mothers, which an average person knows a child struggles in a home life with just a single parent; and only shows data that's based on opinions - not actual science. Knowing that the Supreme Court was very concern on the effects of a child with gay parents, I just don't understand how this document was passed as substantial evidence? For those freaking out in their heads and who have probably said "love is love", let me remind you, I am not worried about the idea of gay marriage being an issue, but the fact that children not being raised by heterosexual parents is. Let me show you why it is a problem.
Since we know the APA document is false, let us use an accurate study that has been arranged in a way to collect data from adults childhoods, which will go into further detail that state how the APA document is false in its evidence by Dr. Mark Regnerus. According to the website, "," this website presents the most recent social science data about how children who are raised in different family types compare, as adults, on all sorts of outcomes and assessments. The study mainly focuses on data from New Family Structures Study, also known as NFSS, at the Population Research Center of the University of Texas at Austin. The data collect by this team shows that within the lifetime of a child it statistics shows that those who are raised in a intact family verses a gay or lesbian relationship shows:
- A child forced to have sex against their will if they were in a intact family had 8% of chance of occurrence, mother in a lesbian relationship with 31% and Father in a gay relationship with 25%.
- A child who thought about attempting suicide was 5% chance for one being raised in a intact family, 12% in a lesbian relationship, and 24% for a gay relationship.
- Average level of education for a child (5 being the highest) resulted with intact family being at 3.19, lesbian relationship with 2.39 and gay relationship with 2.64.
- One to had ever had a sexually transmitted infection (STI) there was a 8% chance for one within a intact family, 20% in a lesbian relationship, and 25% in a gay relationship.
- One to be currently unemployed showed that being raised in a intact family was at 8%, lesbian with 28% and gay relationship.
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